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West Coast Sponsorship
Become a Sponsor
  • 6 Complimentary Full Registrations* OR 3 comps PLUS a discounted Booth Space for $950.00 (your choice)

  • Reduced Registration Rates for a savings of at least $300 for each additional attendee from your organization (unlimited; beyond comp registrations)

  • Conference Attendee List (electronic), emailed post-conference

  • Company Name listed on program, directory, and website

  • Promotion of Company Name in conference advertisements

  • Receive priority to serve as a session chair, present technical workshops, choose booth space, and sponsor socials or other special conference events (based on availability, first come, first served)

  • Invitation to VIP appreciation event on-site at the conference

  • 10 Complimentary Full Registrations* or 5 comps PLUS a FREE Booth Space (your choice)

  • Reduced Registration Rates for a savings of $300 for each additional attendee from your organization (unlimited; beyond comp registrations)

  • Conference Attendee List (electronic), emailed to you pre-con upon request and post-con automatically

  • Company Name and Logo will appear on: Program, Directory, Website, Various Other Conference Materials - Call for Abstracts, Final Program, On-Site Lobby Slide Show, etc.

  • Promotion of your Company Name and Logo in conference advertisements 

  • Complimentary space to conduct Breakfast Roundtables or hold other meetings (based on availability, must reserve in advance)

  • 1 seat on the Conference Scientific Advisory Board

  • Receive priority to serve as a session chair, present technical workshops, choose booth space, and sponsor socials or other special conference events (based on availability, first come, first served)

  • Invitation to VIP appreciation event on-site at the conference


Includes all of the benefits of the SPONSOR level plus an opportunity to sponsor and develop a specific session.

Please contact the us for details.

Current Sponsors

AEHS is a fantastic organization and SURF values our partnership on both a personal and professional basis. The technical content featured at the semi-annual meetings always features innovative and informative topics thanks to the review process by the scientific advisory board members.

- Gerlinde Wolf, Ramboll/SURF

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Become a Sponsor
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